Double stinger rig for king fish/ King Mackerel/ Mahi/ Dolphin/ tuna/ sharks/ wahoo  for large baits Great for bonita, blue runners, lady fish, mullet, spainsih mackerel and any large bait. Great for live or dead baits, trolling, drifting, or anchoring, Can also be used for doubleing up bait like pilchards, pogy's, threadfins, sardines, cigar minnows and other small baits.

D&B Big Bait rig King Fish/ King Mackerel rig

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D&B Big Bait rig King Fish/ King Mackerel rig.
D&B has high quality rigs that preform extremely well when it matters most.  All rigs are handmade and made in the USA.

D&B's has very stealthy rigs because in many cases king fish can become very finicky.  Also, due to high quality material it is also extremely strong.  D&B's king fish rig with no swivel has an edge over other rigs because of not having a swivel. Many pros believe that sometimes a swivel will cause the fish not to bite. Use Albright knot to connect to line.

2 #2 trebles, 43 lb wire, 5/0 lead hook 12 in .